Hey guys!
Jade here. Here is the (draft) design for the house emblem/banner. I apologize greatly for the deay in getting it up, and take all responsibility for it not being up earlier. :( I've been very distracted with my electives posting...

Let me explain a little about the design:
On the bottom and top are two "banners", the bottom one bearing our house name, and the top bearing a motto in Latin, and elegant ancient language that is extinct in spoken form, but very much alive in great literature and our very own study of medicine & its related sciences.
The Latin motto can be changed, if you think it's too corny. Translation is in white at the top and if you can't read the words, it says Audaces Victoria Iuvat, which means "Victory favours the bold." I just put something which I thought sounded good and carried an appropriate message.
The colors we have chosen are focused on yellow & blue, seeing that blue is our house color, and yellow is a royal color. :)
Blue is a strong and stable color, known for its calming and peaceful qualities. However, it has its flipside: royal blue, which conveys a richness and a touch of superiority, much like a captain's uniform. Blue conveys importance and confidence without being somber or sinister. Blue, especially darker blue, is associated with intelligence, stability, unity, and conservatism.
Yellow is a color with symbolism much like Jekyll and Hyde. On one hand, it can denote joy and happiness, but calling someone "yellow" is less than a compliment. It is often used for hazard or warning signs as it has high visibility (we are DANGEROUS!), but don't forget its association with Malaysian royalty!
The abundant dragon symbols are self-explanatory! We are Draco, and bear the namesake of the dragon. Dragons are abundant in the mythologies of various cultures, and we have chosen the European dragon to represent us. Known as ferocious, fire-breathing and man-eating creatures, the dragons have long been associated with mystery, agility, overwhelming destructive strength, and immense power. The word "dragon" comes from the Greek word drakon, which is said to come from another Greek word derkomai, which means "that which sees/is seen/gleams/shines".
The swords are Isis swords. Isis is the ancient Egyptian goddess of fertility, nature and magic. Isis is also known as the goddess of simplicity, protecter of the dead and goddess of children from whom all beginnings arose, and was the Lady of bread, of beer, and of green fields. Quite random, but Isis has also been depicted as a half-snake being, and we all know how snakes are related to dragons...
As for the shield... we all know what shields are meant for. To intercept our opponents' blows and protect us throughout the battle (for the IMU cup)!!!
Now. As you all know, the IMU cup is beginning on Tuesday, the 25th of August. We need to print this banner and set it up by Monday--I know it's Saturday now and this doesn't give you much chance to give input and whatnot, but please comment and if it's before we send it in to the printers, the changes will be considered and may be implemented!
Enjoy. And sorry again for the lateness. x_x
Love, Jade